> boditrax logo with blue background

The Advanced Body Composition Monitor - Boditrax


Each metric with a health associated value to them will have a colour code rating that is displayed with a ring of dots around the value. The will be a highlighted dot that indicates where that reading sits in the scale. Green indicates it is inside the healthy range, Red indicates an area to work on and Amber/Yellow indicates a reading somewhere in between. You may also see the colour blue with the fat-related metrics, which indicates low or athletic levels.

The Age, Height and Impedance metrics appear in a blue ring of dots, in this case the colour is irrelevant as these are input values that you have told the monitor.

The metrics are displayed in your preferred units (can be adjusted through the Unit Picker on the Home Page).

On the Composition page, the total masses and percentages of Muscle, Fat, Water & Bone do not add up to 100%. This is because we measure the water in Muscle and in Fat. So, if you exclude the water mass and percentage, the values will add up to 100%.

In the segmental breakdown, you may have segments with the same mass but a different percentage. This is because you may have different ratios of muscle to fat/bone.

The Physique, Goal, Track and Snap tabs are where you can begin to compare your results to previous scans and track your progress. For this you will need to a performed a minimum of two scans.


Age: The amount of years since birth.

Height: Your stature measured in metres & centimetres or feet & inches.

Impedance: Measured in Ohms, the strength and speed of the electrical signal sent around the body.

Bodyweight: Your total body mass.

Body Mass Index (BMI): Weight is kilograms divided by height in metres, squared. Healthy range is 18.5 - 24.9. If you are below this you are classed as underweight, if you are above this you are classed as overweight.

Fat-free Mass: Your total body mass minus your fat mass.


Muscle Mass: The amount of muscle in your body. 

Broken down into total muscle mass, the percentage of total body mass and then segmentally.

You are aiming to have both your overall rating and each of your segments in the green range to indicate healthy levels of muscle mass.

It is important to note, it is possible to have the same mass in two segments, i.e. both of your arms, yet have different percentages. This is because you can have the same mass, but the percentage that it makes up is different due to a different amount of other components such as fat & bone.

Fat Mass: The amount of fat in your body.

Broken down into total fat mass, the percentage of total body mass and then segmentally.

You are aiming to have both your overall rating and each of your segments in the green range to indicate healthy levels of fat.

The key value you should take note of is your Total Fat Percentage, as you can't target specific areas for fat loss, you have to target it as a whole.

For Males, typically a fat percentage between 12 - 20% will get you into the green zone.

For Females, typically a fat percentage between 20 - 30% will get you into the green zone.

Water Mass: The amount of water in your body.

Broken down into total mass, percentage of total mass and then into Extracellular and Intracellular.

As long as your total percentage is in the green, you are aiming for a ratio of 60:40, Intracellular to Extracellular, to indicate adequate hydration.

Dry Fat-free Bone Mass: Best described as the mineral mass of the skeleton. It is NOT Bone Mineral Density.

You should not see too much fluctuation here.


Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The amount of calories required in a 24-hour period to maintain your bodyweight, at rest. At rest means, just surviving and does not include any physical activity. This number can be accurately calculated as we have already calculated your Muscle and Fat mass.

Typically, this number will increase if your bodyweight increases and decrease if your bodyweight decreases. 

BMR Score: This is how your BMR compares to that with people of a similar demographic (age, height, sex etc.). The scale is from 1-24, where 12 is the average so you want to be 12 or higher.

You can improve this by improving your ratio of Muscle to Fat.

Muscle Score: This is how your Muscle score compares to that with people of a similar demographic (age, height, sex etc.). The scale is from 1-24, where 12 is the average so you want to be 12 or higher.

You can improve this by improving your ratio of Muscle to Fat.

Visceral Fat: This is the fat in and around your organs, the scale goes from 1-59 and the healthy range is 1-12. This can't be improved through exercise, it will require a dietary intervention.

Degree of Obesity: This refers to your 'ideal' BMI, which is 22 as it is in the middle of the healthy range and how far away you are from this value.

Metabolic Age: This indicates the metabolic efficiency of your body composition. Typically, the better the ratio of muscle to fat, the lower your metabolic age. You should be aiming to have a metabolic age that is your actual age or lower, the lower the better.

This can be a maximum of 15 years above or below your actual age. However, the lowest it can reach is 12 years.

To improve this metric, improve your ratio of muscle to fat.


This feature plots your physique on a graph, using your Fat Percentage and Muscle Score. Your Fat Percentage dictates how high or low you sit on the graph and your Muscle Score dictates how far to the left or right of the graph that you are.

If you set a goal for either of these metrics, you can have it displayed as a purple line so that you can see how close you are to achieving that goal.

You can tap the 'User Progress' button and see how your plotted dot has moved across scans.

To properly utilise this feature, you will need to have performed a minimum of two scans. 

Hidden Obese: High body fat percentage, low muscle score.

Obesity Warning: High body fat percentage, average muscle score.

Solid Build: High body fat percentage, high muscle score.

Standard Slim: Average body fat percentage, low muscle score.

Standard Optimal: Average body fat percentage, average muscle score.

Standard Muscular: Average body fat percentage, high muscle score.

Muscular Warning: Low body fat percentage, low muscle score.

Slim Muscular: Low body fat percentage, average muscle score.

Very Muscular: Low body fat percentage, high muscle mass.



You can set a maximum of six goals via the 'Set Goals' button on the Home Page.

You can view your progress towards these goals via the Goal tab, within the Dashboard.

Each goal is displayed with a percentage wheel around the outside to show how close you are to achieving your goal.

In the three boxes below the percentage wheel you can see the value that you started at, the value that you are currently and the value that you have set as your goal.

Typically, Muscle Mass and Fat Percentage are good metrics to set goals for as they have a big impact on the rest of the metrics.


On the 'Track' tab you can plot as many of the metrics on the graph as you wish. 

It is worth noting that the scale will adjust with the more metrics that you include, which will provide more context and add perspective.

Typically, it is useful to plot Muscle Mass, Fat Percentage and Water Percentage.

To utilise this feature you will need to have completed a minimum of two scans.


The 'Snap' tab provides you with an instant snapshot of how your values have changed for six different metrics.

You will either have a green +, a red - or a blue symbol for each metric. This will indicate whether you have improved, deteriorated or stayed the same.