We deliver Waves 1 to 7 in the main ‘Learn to Swim’ area. Children from age 4 are taught the necessary swimming and aquatic skills to swim and to take part in other aquatic activities such as Rookie Lifesaving, Octopush, Competitive Swimming and Water Polo. 

They are also taught vital water safety skills where they learn how to be safe in and around water, such as swimming in clothes, treading water and swimming with no goggles. 

There are lots of badges and certificates to earn in this area including one for each wave and distance badges, how many can your child collect on their swimming journey? 


Wave 1 – Main Aims 
1. Develop confidence in the water. 
2. Be safe while in the water, and when getting in and out of the pool. 
3. Learn basic floating, sculling and breathing techniques. 
4. Start to learn frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, with aids if needed. 

Wave 2 - Main Aims 
1. Be able to jump into the pool without goggles. 
2. Improve sculling, floating and breathing techniques. 
3. Glide in the streamlined position. 
4. Swim short distances of frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, without aids. 

Wave 3 - Main Aims 
1. Collect an object from the pool floor. 
2. Improve sculling and floating. 
3. Learn how to tread water. 
4. Learn the Safe Code and beach flags. 
5. Swim short distances of all four strokes: frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, without aids. 

Wave 4 - Main Aims 
1. Learn how to do dolphin kicks underwater. 
2. Learn the HELP position. 
3. Improve floating and treading water techniques. 
4. Improve the technique of all 4 strokes. 

Wave 5 - Main Aims 
1. Learn different shaped jumps without goggles. 
2. Learn how to do a forward somersault and a handstand in the water. 
3. Improve sculling and personal survival techniques. 
4. Swim longer distances in all four strokes, including a length (25 metres) of your favourite stroke. 

Wave 6 - Main Aims 
1. Learn how to warm-up properly for exercise and why. 
2. Learn how to do a backward somersault, head first surface dive and sitting dive. 
3. Improve personal survival techniques, including swimming with clothes on. 
4. Swim longer distances in all four strokes, concentrating on technique. 

Wave 7 - Main Aims 
1. Learn how to do a plunge dive. 
2. Improve floating, sculling, treading water and rotation skills. 
3. Swim longer distances in all four strokes and swim an Individual Medley. 
4. Swim as part of a team in a relay race.