> pebble ridge and beach

Pembrokeshire boasts some of the finest sea water quality you'll find anywhere. Blessed with stunning coastlines and pristine beaches, the waters here consistently meet stringent cleanliness standards, ensuring safe and enjoyable swimming experiences for locals and visitors alike. Regular monitoring and rigorous environmental protection measures ensure that the natural beauty of Pembrokeshire's coastline remains unspoiled. Whether you're dipping your toes in the gentle waves or diving into the sparkling sea, you can trust in the exceptional quality of Pembrokeshire's sea water. For more information on current water quality assessments and tips for enjoying our coastal treasures responsibly, check out the links below


Follow the link to the Pembrokeshire county council bathing water quality page for more information on how we test our water.

Or, keep on top of up to date information by following the links.

Dwr CymruWelsh Water Storm Overflow Maps
NRWNRW Bathing water profiles and results